Surya Nadi Shodan & Surya Bhedi Pranayama-— Grand Master Akshar

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Surya Nadi Shodan & Surya Bhedi Pranayama-— Grand Master Akshar

The Sun represents energy, power, and vitality. Worshipping the sun is an ancient culture that is inherited from the traditions of Surya Yoga. These practices include Sun Salutation, Surya Dhyan, Surya Sadhana and Surya Nadi Shodhan and Surya Bhedi pranayama. This offers devotees, yoga and spiritual practitioners a way to express their humility, gratitude and love to the Sun God. Through these spiritual formulas, one can harness the sun’s energy. The Surya Nadi Shodan is an ancient yogic practice to trigger the Surya nerve channel that runs throughout our body. This practice revitalises and re-energises the entire sun channel that operates within our body. It involves breathing techniques that trigger the internal system and help cleanse and revitalize the Surya Nadi. The technique involves breathing in through the right nostril and exhaling from the left. The Surya Bhedi Pranayama is the breathing technique from the Himalayas tradition that further enhances your Surya nadi or sun channel and helps invigorate all the parts of your body, mind and spirit that are controlled by the Surya Nadi. It clears out any blocks and enhances the functioning of the practitioner at all levels. It is done by inhaling through the right nostril and exhaling out from the right nostril. To prepare yourself for this, develop a relaxed state of mind. Practice rising early in the morning and spend time with the sun and allowing its rays to fall on your back. All these techniques are taught in detail as part of the Surya Shakthi initiation program. Make it a regular habit in your life to wake up early in order to gain innumerable benefits. Balance your body energies by following a disciplined lifestyle. Eat and sleep at regular times, practice Bhastrika Pranayama daily to build concentration and awareness.

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